Gene Helfman
Fins combines elements of the typical shark horror story with modern science, in a unique, humorous, shark-friendly manner. Fins turns on the theme of the reprehensible practice of finning. Sentient sharks, led by a matriarch, target logical victims. The sharks involved are intelligent, compassionate, maternal, and goal-oriented, in league with a female scientist and an African-American tech wizard, all battling malevolent white guys.
FINS won the 2023/2024 Reader Views National Book Award for Fictional Humor, and was a Finalist (Honorable Mention) in the national Readers' Favorite Animal Fiction genre.
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Fishes: The Animal Answer Guide

"With more than 100 photographs―including two full-color photo galleries―and the most up-to-date facts on the world's fishes from two premier experts, this fun, accessible, and informative book is the perfect bait for any curious naturalist, angler, or aquarist."
(Smithsonian Science)"A concise compendium of answers to a variety of questions about fishes."
(Michelle Paddack Bulletin of Marine Science)"A concise, reliable, and enjoyable resource, which both piques and satisfies curiousity about the physiology, ecology, behavior, and relationship to humans of this oldest of vertebrate groups."
(Choice)"The 216-page book contains answers to many common questions as well as some unusual and funky facts about fishes found throughout the world."
(American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists)"With more than 100 photographs-including two full-color photo galleries-and the most up-to-date facts on the world's fishes from two premier experts, this fun book is the perfect bait for any curious naturalist, angler, or aquarist."
(Southeastern Naturalist)"A highly accessible, inviting guide recommended for any general lending library where natural history is of interest to lay readers."
(Midwest Book Review)"The questions are asked in a simple straightforward manner and answered equally clearly. Nearly every page has an image with a stand-alone caption and we can imagine even the very young being captivated by this book."
(Copeia)"This book is fun, accessible, and informative. In the 30 years that I have been teaching ichthyology and fish ecology, I have been asked almost all of these questions. Here are all the answers in one comfortable package."
- (Dr. Larry G. Allen, Director, Southern California Marine Institute)